About The Training
- Overview of Digital Marketing, including planning a website, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM).
- Use of modern technologies to integrate marketing.
- Know how Search Engines Work.
- Understand various techniques for making your website rank higher in search engine results.
- Concept of SEO friendly content writing
- Learn techniques to publicize your company on social platforms.
- Understand how SMO optimizes your business site by advertising through social media sites, blog sites, online communities, podcasts, and message boards.
- Know how Social Media Marketing helps to reach prospects and customers.
- Viable measure the achievement of your website and increment your skillset of expertise with Analytics.

Who Is The Target Audience?
- Digital Marketing training is beneficial for any individual who wants to become an expert in internet marketing best practices, particularly these professionals:
- Retailing Managers
- Internet Marketing Exec
- Content Editors
- Marketing and Sales Professionals
- Business, Engineering, Management, and Communication Graduates
- E-commerce owners
- Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

What Are The Requirements?
- Digital Marketing training is beneficial for anyone who wants to increase their brand loyalty and driving online sales.
- NO AUTOMATION / CODING EXPERIENCE NEEDED, beginners will easily be able to follow this course.

What I Am Going To Get From This Course
- You will learn the Basics of Digital Marketing and how search engines work
- Great understanding of Google Algorithms
- How to increase brand awareness through Internet Marketing
- Techniques to increase search engine rankings of your websites
- Learn how to generate traffic to the website, raising visibility and new customers.