Motivation: key of success

A motivation is a thought that causes a person to act. It is an internal process that makes a person move towards a goal. Motivation inspires people’s actions, desires, and needs. It gives a direction to behavior. It is the process of energizing people into actions to reach the goals. To achieve an organization’s goals the psychological factors which energize the behavior of people can be-

  • Monetary benefits
  • Achievements
  • Appreciation and recognition
  • Job- satisfaction
  • Getting appraisal and promotion
  • Working environment etc.

In any organization, the most important function of a manager is to create desires amongst employees to perform with the best of their abilities.The role of a leader in a company is to arouse employees interest in their job performance. We can say that motivation is the psychological phenomenon which means needs and wants of the individuals have to be handled by preparing a stimulating plan.

To increase the productivity of a company and of human resources it is necessary to motivate employees. So that they can give their best to us. Employees can be motivated by-

Stimulation: No matter what your organization does, whether it is offering a service or making products, what is important that your culture should be saturated with a meaning. People who have a sense of purpose are more focused, creative, and resilient. So leaders should make a point of reminding employees how their work is improving peoples lives. Distributing client or customer’s testimonials and announcing when corporate profits are donated to charities are just a couple of examples of how to do so. Leaders can be great sources of inspiration to employees.

Decency: We are completely social creatures, yet workplaces interactions are often no more than transactional exchanges. This is a mistake. According to a study, companionship and recognition are more important than even high salaries in promoting employee loyalty. Positive and warm relationships are one of the most important predictors of psychological well-being, so leaders must be mindful of the culture they are creating and the sentiments they express at work. The basics of a kind culture involve consideration and respect, which increase creative output at both the individual and team level.

Self-Care: Many offices pay lip service to the idea of employee wellness — for example, by offering gym memberships, yoga, or meditation classes — but intense work schedules still don’t give people adequate time to take advantage of the offerings. Wellness programs don’t work unless you create a culture in which it is acceptable and encouraged to prioritize self-care. When you do, however, the results are profound. Exercise breaks from work, relaxation practices, and more strict boundaries between work and home can reduce job stress and increase employee well-being and engagement. You can also encourage people to take more care with a basic resource: sleep. A well-rested staff is a happier and higher-performing one.

Don’t rely on outdated methods and tricks to motivate employees. Talk with your team about the relevance of the work they do every day. Be proactive in identifying and solving problems for your employees. Recognise employee contributions in specific, meaningful ways on a regular basis.